Dead island 2 pc reviews'
Dead island 2 pc reviews'

dead island 2 pc reviews dead island 2 pc reviews

The comradery helps alleviate some of the tedium, and with some friends by your side, the damage-sponge bosses go down a little quicker. The entire game can be played in up to three-player co-op, and I strongly recommend you enlist a couple of buddies if possible.

dead island 2 pc reviews

In Dead Island 2, if you’re not mowing down zombies, you’re probably looking at a loading screen. Optional side missions occasionally offer more enjoyable context for why you’re killing even more zombies - an early one tasks you with getting footage for a wannabe social media star - but the ultimate goal is always the same. If you want to survive the game’s toughest encounters you need to lure zombies into traps rather than just mindlessly swing whatever melee weapon you’ve got to hand. Practically every combat arena is stuffed with opportunities like these. Kick a zombie into a pool of toxic waste and their skin will corrode, similarly push them into a blazing inferno and they will burn to a crisp. Making use of the environment is also critical to your survival. And you can even imbue your weapons with elemental effects, such as the ability to shoot sparks of electricity or set undead enemies on fire. For example, you can opt to improve damage but at the cost of decreased durability. The weapon upgrade system is deep enough to give you a strong degree of control over your arsenal. Scavenged weapons will get the job done in a pinch, but you’ll need to modify your armaments if you want to survive to see the sunset. Guns are another (very powerful) option, but ammo is scarce. But you also have access to a variety of sharp blades including a katana that’s satisfying to wield. You’ll fight off zombies using all manner of blunt objects from lead pipes to golf clubs.

Dead island 2 pc reviews'